
Cultivating Unity

Cultivating Unity

Using Breath as the Key to the Doorway of Unity Consciousness

Let’s take a moment to exhale deeply.

And as we breathe in again, pulling the energy up through our feet in a wave of light-force all throughout our body to the top of our head.

Flipping over the in-breath to an out-breath allowing all that light-force energy to ooze from our body, out our feet and recycle through the Earth.


As this visual psycho-spiritual event develops in our awareness further in to a feeling, allow it.

While you read this continue to experience the effects of your spirit enhanced breath as it cultivates our extra-sensory awareness within our being.

Imagine How Expanded and Receptive We Will Become by Using this Presence as Our Standard Level of Awareness from Which All Our Interactions Take Place.

Allowing our awareness to shift from the energetic waves of breath and in to a general of awareness of breath within our body, we can feel the intelligence that connects us to each cell in our body and forges our spirit to this vessel giving life.

When we begin and end each of our actions and interactions from this awareness of our breathing we are stepping in front of any reactive programs that detach our being from the infinite plane of Unity from which all life manifests.

When we start from and return to this awareness where our breath becomes our body our actions and intentions arise from Oneness and tend towards Divine Order and express the best for ourselves and our surroundings.

It is Amazing to Experience This Life From Such a Vast Perspective, And to Develop the Trust it Takes ​to Be in Complete Service.


A Change in Pace

It has been such an epic summer season!!

Working as part of the Rainbow Lightning team we had the opportunity to collaborate with SO MANY epic events and production teams 🙂

We have been working our behinds off doing it all from event production and management, to a Rockin Youth Village, stage design and sound system rental, hosting workshops and performing on stage!

Now is a great time to step back and gain perspective. . .

And I am grateful for the opportunity to do so 😮 in such a beautiful place!

A plan is to get a little hibernation in, as well as some MASSIVE reorganization of audio production items and business related items.

Along with it all I plan to ramp up The PeaceTrea Subscription on Patreon as a way of sharing and providing more with the world through music, and to help keep my creativity flowing. . .

With The PeaceTrea Subscription you currently receive Bi-Weekly Unreleased Music Downloads for you to enjoy while you are working, playing, meditating or in general just having fun in your life 🙂 Be Sure to Check It Out!! 

Building Routines and Getting Back to Self-Care <3

With a little more space to get creative also is coming more time to enjoy a little Self-Care and Partner Play 🙂

We are super excited to not be Always On-The-Move for a little bit! 

Breathing, Stretching, Sitting, Being, Loving and More! 

Also, more routines based around Social Media, Website and Blogposting. . . After all, if we want to make a living doing what we are doing, people have to know about it! and stay constantly engaged. 🙂

So Here’s To LIFE!



Finding Inspiration in Love

My Love! You inspire me so. Each day I see your smile and feel your touch awakens me more in to my being. I am so grateful for your support and sharing in Love. It floods the channel with inspiration and creativity!
It cannot be held back.
I am so in Love with you; my heart melts in your presence. To feel you is a Godsend. I am with you, always.

​Thank you for being in my life!


With you we continue to create Great magick. I will never turn back or let this go. From your support I have become more solid in who I am, and have a stronger desire to be more each day! It is because of you that I have re-invented my Creation Station, in a better and more comfortable way than ever.

Thank You Taylor!


ARISE 2016


Back from the Arise Music Festival where we built an extravagant Children’s/Youth Village, including an amazing stage, 4 geodesic domes, and many different and fun practices for everybody to indulge in 🙂

My job at this festival was to run the Rainbow Lightning stage. Complete with our Golden Turtle Sound system, this 14’X16′ stage was the biggest children’s stage Arise has seen to date! So Much Fun helping to make it all happen!!

Up next is the Tribal Vision festival down in Hotchkiss, CO followed by Wakeup Express and then UNIFY in SantaFe, NM.

At UNIFY in SantaFe I will be stage managing one of the main stages, having the opportunity to meet all sorts of really awesome artists and musicians.

There are more events following UNIFY, but hopefully things will begin to slow down a bit and I’ll be writing and posting new music again shortly 🙂

Thank you all SO MUCH for the support!!

All The Love <3


*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Upcoming Dates:
Tribal Vision — August 18th – 21st (( ))
Wakeup Express — September 8th – 12th
UNIFY Festival — September 22nd – 25th (( ))
Green Beer Festival — October 1st – 2nd (( ))
Friend Fest — October 14th – 17th (( ))


New Music!

In light of the studio being back up and running I’ve been able to finish up some tunes 🙂 … much much more to come and so happy to be getting creative again!


Innovate Experience

Live, Love. Celebrate Life! Create.
More time to explore what it feels like to be grateful for this worldly experience.
Just breathe. Sunshine in the mind. Kindness in the heart.
Collectively we move forward, all beings and things included. 
All Love.

Fall Tour and New Creation Station

Excited to say that, alongside some good friends, Treaphort is hittin’ the road in September!
We’ve got tour dates in Southern Colorado and a few spots in New Mexico :-0

And, also, the computer I have been using for the past 5 years was goin’ downhill fassssst, so I reached out for an upgrade! 
I am so grateful for feel the support of my amazing family in this journey of life and update of my Creation Station.
May all the sound and art produced on this magick machine aid in my sustainability and the speedy repayment of their generosity!

Sending Love & Light to the ether for this dream unfolding. . .



Transformational Movement is the New Yoga!

Ecstatic Dance is the New Yoga!

Well rounded practice of Meditation, Breathing, Yoga and Movement may just be the key the world is looking for! It might just make you superhuman :-0
From a financial standpoint, Ecstatic Dance, or Transformational Movement, is about to become highly profitable. It is a movement based on Spirit, Community, Connection, Expansion, Upliftment, Creativity and Expression. It is a business based in Truth for the Evolution of Humanity.
Is this your calling for the moment?
It just might be! :-0
You seem to be in the perfect position to accept responsibility for the explosion of the ecstatic dance scene of Colorado. It can act as an anchor for all of the things you enjoy; music production and sound healing, dance and movement, breathwork and meditation, yoga, community organization, proliferation and fun lovin’.
Expand your horizons of responsibility and take the bull by the horns!
Movement is your practice :-0 see what it feels like to embody it again, and take this whole thing to the next level.
( (( 💛 )) )

Free Writing, Where I’m At

I am going to do a little free writing, as this is the first time writing a blog in a Long WHILE. . .
There is a lot happening in Treaphort world ( (( <3 )) ) so many amazing opportunities and I am sooo grateful and accepting. 
Recently I have been doing a lot more web design, it appears at this time and space A LOT of people/places need websites to portray their offerings to the world. Free Motion Dance Center is a major one; an upcoming transformational dance center with some amazing energy to share with Boulder and the World. I am happy to be in this place of service! 
I have also started teaching an Invigorating Movement Class called Body Fusion at Free Motion which integrates free form dance/movement with balance skills, strength training and yoga (all with Treaphort sounds 🙂 )  
I feel so Loved by those around me. Unconditionally like the way animals love us.
I have also been getting a lot more sound engineering gigs! Which I AM STOKED about!! Loads of amazing events and great sounds. One that I am especially excited to cultivate is the ongoing opportunity to manage sounds in the Gathering Place at Shine Restaurant. Not only is it helping with my sustainability, but I also get to meet a whole bunch of really awesome people and listen to some really awesome bands and DJs . .  . it’s literally a one of my dreams coming true! 
Along with those great things helping to broaden my scope in the world and in the Boulder community, a lot has been happening with the artist collective known as StarWater. I have been helping run the sound/stage at our many and varied events with some really cool and devoted individuals. Their drive is refreshing.
Treaphort sounds are starting to get heard by more people in the immediate community! And I feel honored to share my medicine with acceptance on the other side. It warms my heart <3
I feel like I am reaching a new point in my life, and it feels GREAT!
Learning to control my thoughts and more directly manifest the life I want is what is happening, for me and those around me. No Holding Back. Endless Abundance.
We are ready for this! and It IS Happening.





Power Schedule

I guess now is the time for me to get back in to my power schedule. . It has proven difficult for me to awaken long after sunrise and still feel the drive to connect to Source through breathing, yoga, toning and meditation.

The most difficult part will be controlling the sleep schedule (early rising = early setting) and maintaining discipline.

So my desired schedule is: 
   *4am – rise, drink water, shower
   *4:30am – yoga
   *5am – toning
   *5:30am – breath work
   *6am – meditation
   *6:30am – set intentions and goals for the day
   *7am – breakfast
   *8am – open/free/work time
   *11:30am – yoga
   *12pm – knee strengthening
   *12:30pm – lunch
   *1:30pm – open/free/work time
   *5:30pm – breathing
   *5:45pm – meditation
   *6:30pm – dinner
   *8pm – open/free time
   *9:30pm – reading
   *10pm – sleep

This is NOT going to be easy!

I very much enjoy using my days to go with the flow and see what happens, with no tight schedule.

But I am trying to level up!

Maintaining Power and Connection to Source is necessary to fulfill my goals, I feel.

Previously I have been able to hold a schedule such as this for months at a time and have felt deeply incredible (on sooooo many levels) in doing so.

What I am trying to do is expand my sense of Self to fully embody these aspects which I feel are positive and beneficial for me. I am doing this to help maintain and boost physical and spiritual awareness, health, strength and resilience.

The development my various projects are directly linked to the cultivation of a continuous connection with and exploration of Source Energy, the original vibration.

I Love and Respect All Life on All Levels and AM Becoming Realized