A Change in Pace

It has been such an epic summer season!!

Working as part of the Rainbow Lightning team we had the opportunity to collaborate with SO MANY epic events and production teams 🙂

We have been working our behinds off doing it all from event production and management, to a Rockin Youth Village, stage design and sound system rental, hosting workshops and performing on stage!

Now is a great time to step back and gain perspective. . .

And I am grateful for the opportunity to do so 😮 in such a beautiful place!

A plan is to get a little hibernation in, as well as some MASSIVE reorganization of audio production items and business related items.

Along with it all I plan to ramp up The PeaceTrea Subscription on Patreon as a way of sharing and providing more with the world through music, and to help keep my creativity flowing. . .

With The PeaceTrea Subscription you currently receive Bi-Weekly Unreleased Music Downloads for you to enjoy while you are working, playing, meditating or in general just having fun in your life 🙂 Be Sure to Check It Out!! 

Building Routines and Getting Back to Self-Care <3

With a little more space to get creative also is coming more time to enjoy a little Self-Care and Partner Play 🙂

We are super excited to not be Always On-The-Move for a little bit! 

Breathing, Stretching, Sitting, Being, Loving and More! 

Also, more routines based around Social Media, Website and Blogposting. . . After all, if we want to make a living doing what we are doing, people have to know about it! and stay constantly engaged. 🙂

So Here’s To LIFE!